Our Project:
Note: as of May 30th, 2018, this project is no longer being worked on actively, if you are curious about the project, please reach out to mshig19@uw.edu.
Special education programs in the US are on the rise, with 30% growth over the last decade, and becoming an umbrella program, encompassing both disability related programs and supplementary education programs. Educators who work with high needs student populations have turned to technology like mobile and desktop application that allow them to enhance their student’s experience, helping their students learn and achieve at the highest possible level.
Although the technologies exist, teachers struggle to find technology that address the needs of their students investing time scouring the internet. DiscoverEd is a web application that connects you directly to inclusive technology that fits the needs of your student populations.
How we can help
Personalize your DiscoverEd experience, helping us become your closest colleague, and understand your teaching environment, and what will work best for your students.
Explore a centralized repository of inclusive educational technology, updated by our team and our users, who introduce us to the rising trends in educational technology.
Help others through technology reviews, and how they can be used to helps your students thrive.
Collaborate together, and gain insights and feedback from a community of like-minded educators.